Venue: Room 204C clear filter
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Saturday, March 29

11:30am PDT

The Game Pitch Review
Saturday March 29, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm PDT
The game pitch review is conducted by a panel of professional game developers who will offer their invaluable advice and insights to those seeking to further their dreams of making their game idea a reality. Participants will have the opportunity to pitch a game for around 5 minutes and then receive constructive feedback on how it went. This session will be seated on a first-come, first-served basis, and sign-ups will be taken on-site.
Saturday March 29, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm PDT
Room 204C

2:00pm PDT

Gaming Creator Connection
Saturday March 29, 2025 2:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
The Gaming Creator Connection is an opportunity for game developers—whether currently working in the industry or aspiring to do so—to receive valuable advice, insights, and mentoring from seasoned veterans of the game industry representing diverse professional backgrounds. The GCC is a perfect opportunity to seek expert guidance in art/design, narrative, business, and career advice. Participants will have 10–15 minutes to speak with a mentor and will be able to rotate between mentors during the two-hour session in order to maximize the amount of feedback.
Saturday March 29, 2025 2:00pm - 4:00pm PDT
Room 204C

5:00pm PDT

Comic Pitch Review
Saturday March 29, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
What is a pitch? A pitch is simply a way to present yourself or your project to others. It is usually a brief speech designed to persuade your listener into supporting what you’re doing or what you’ve made. Giving a good pitch is a vital skill in bringing your project to life. Fortunately, it’s also a skill you can learn and improve with practice—and Pitch Review is a great place to do that. If you’re someone who wants to get better at pitching your work (and especially if you’re a writer or artist attending the Comic Creator Connection immediately after this event), this is your chance to practice giving your pitch and get some invaluable help. Pitch reviews will be conducted by Douglas Neff, a professional speechwriter, speaker coach, and host of the Comic Creator Connection. Note: This is not a typical panel. These are 3- to 5-minute individual coaching sessions for as many people as can be accommodated in the scheduled time. Spaces are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, and everyone is welcome to watch and learn from the sessions.
Saturday March 29, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm PDT
Room 204C

7:00pm PDT

Comic Creator Connection Saturday
Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 9:00pm PDT
Are you a writer with a great idea for a comic book series but you can’t draw? Or maybe you’re an artist looking to illustrate an incredible story but you can’t write. WonderCon is proud to once again host the Comic Creator Connection, a fast-paced networking event that puts writers and artists together to help them meet new creative partners. Here’s how it works: In a two-hour period, writers and artists will sit down across from each other at a table. (And by artists, we mean pencillers, inkers, colorists, etc.—all are welcome!) Then, in five-minute sessions, you will talk one-on-one with each other about your ideas and skills. At the end of each five-minute period, you will get up and move on to the next person. If you’re interested in furthering the conversation, you’ll exchange contact information. Think of it as speed-dating, but for writers and artists! Sign-ups are taken in advance for this event, but space may still be available on-site.
Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 9:00pm PDT
Room 204C

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