Venue: Room 213AB clear filter
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Sunday, March 30

10:30am PDT

Authentically Creating Autistic Characters
Sunday March 30, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am PDT
With increasing rates of autism, there is an increasing demand for autistic characters in pop culture from both executives and audiences. But for the creatives in the middle, especially the neurotypical ones, it can feel like a daunting challenge. Whether it’s a YA fantasy graphic novel, a family sitcom, a high-octane hospital drama, a postapocalyptic zombie comic, or whatever—authentic autistic characters belong there, too. Moderator Britton Payne (vice president of business and legal affairs at Nickelodeon/Paramount) leads a discussion with autistic actor Kayla Cromer (The Good Doctor, Monster High), writer/producer Niya Wright (Ada Twist, Scientist) and non-speaking author/advocate Alfonso Camacho (Preparing for School: Alfie’s AAC Journey). This panel of both autistic and neurotypical television and comic book creators will speak wioth Britton about how they successfully added autistic characters to serial fiction, and how you can too!
Sunday March 30, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am PDT
Room 213AB

11:30am PDT

My Comic History in Three Issues
Sunday March 30, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm PDT
What are the impactful graphic novels/comic issues that shaped your love for graphic literature? Choose your three favorites and join a panel of comics creators, comics professionals, and academics for an interactive discussion of the works that influenced their personal and professional lives, as well as picks from the audience. Alex Antone (editorial director, Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics), Dr. Matthew Atherton (associate professor of social sciences, CSUSM), David M. Booher (Killer Queens,Canto), and Barbra Dillon (president and co-founder, Fanbase Press) identify the key moments that shaped our love for a medium. Moderated by Allison Carr (academic transitions librarian, CSUSM).
Sunday March 30, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm PDT
Room 213AB

12:30pm PDT

Diverse Storytellers Empowering Equity and Inclusion
Sunday March 30, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Andres Useche (writer/director, We Don’t Give Up, Marching into the Light), Rob Edwards (writer, Captain America: Brave New World, The Princess and the Frog), Nicole Maines (actor, Yellowjackets,Supergirl), Miranda Kwok (showrunner/producer, The Cleaning Lady,The 100), Jorge R. Gutierrez (director/animator, The Book of Life, Maya and the Three), Aaron Butler (editor, Euphoria, The Idol), Drew Leung (concept artist, LOTR: The Rings of Power, Black Panther Wakanda Forever), and Stephanie Paciullo (agent, CAA) reveal the secrets of their craft, how you can make your way into the industry, and how the arts can make a difference by giving voice to underrepresented folks in the search for greater justice, empathy, and equality. Moderated by Stephanie Pfingsten (CEO/publicist, Lumos PR).
Sunday March 30, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT
Room 213AB

1:30pm PDT

It's a Film Strip, Charlie Brown!
Sunday March 30, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm PDT
In the 1980s, the Peanuts animation team created the Charlie Brown Career Education Program, a filmstrip series where Snoopy and pals (including a new Latina character) learned about preparing for the world of work. Professional Peanuts nerd Nat Gertler not only leads you through this forgotten slice of Peanuts but shows you some of the film strips, including one live reading with Sofi Guiterrez (from the Transpose Theatricals of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown) and audience participation.
Sunday March 30, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm PDT
Room 213AB

2:30pm PDT

Comic Culture in Museums: The World Of Pop Media Exhibitions
Sunday March 30, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
In recent years, comics and pop culture exhibitions have grown in popularity, with new venues opening to showcase these creative fields, prominent institutions recognizing the vitality and importance of these oft-overlooked mediums, and blockbuster touring exhibitions traversing the world. Moderator Patrick A. Reed brings together a group of curators, creators, fans, and scholars to discuss how the field continues to evolve and address how the popular arts are celebrated and elevated through increased prominence in galleries and museums.
Sunday March 30, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Room 213AB

3:30pm PDT

WonderCon Talk Back
Sunday March 30, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm PDT
Representatives from WonderCon/Comic-Con International will be present to listen to attendees' feedback about the event. What did we do right? What could be improved? We want to hear from you!
Sunday March 30, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm PDT
Room 213AB

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