Friday March 28, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
“With great power comes great responsibility," according to Spider-Man comics. However, it also comes with great trauma as well. Spider-Man faces a great deal of trauma that he must overcome, both in and out of his mask. This panel considers how Spider-Man handles his trauma and builds his resiliency. Using the classic Amazing Spider-Man story "Spider-Man No More!," Daniel J. Kim (PopMythology.com) will discuss how Peter Parker's dilemma in the story reflects the tendency of neoliberal ideology to place the burden of endless resilience onto individual heroes, many of whom are already overburdened with the trauma of surviving in an individualist society. Alex Langley (Spider-Man Psychology: Untangling Webs) will discuss issues of resilience and trauma in The Amazing Spider-Man #33, "If This Be My Destiny," and Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310. Shelly Clevenger (Sam Houston State University) will discuss how Peter Parker dealt with the death of his beloved Gwen Stacy and how trauma played a role in his ability to cope with that loss. Panelists will identify the unique ways in which trauma and resiliency are linked in these comics.
Friday March 28, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm PDT
Room 210

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