Friday March 28, 2025 6:30pm - 7:30pm PDT
Copyright and trademark are a cornerstone of protection for creators and businesses (whether in comics or otherwise) of their creative works and product branding. With the demand for content continuing to soar, and with more ways to both create and also fund your works than ever, creators will find themselves with myriad opportunities and options for getting their creative works in front of an audience. But beware: with every advancement comes the need for caution, as potential pitfalls abound. More than ever, knowledge of your rights will play a vital role in reaching success in this constantly shifting landscape. Fortunately for you, Jennifer Walters, Foggy Nelson, and Wolff and Byrd aren’t the only lawyers available to the superhero set, as WonderCon once again brings back noted IP attorney Michael Lovitz (author of The Trademark and Copyright Book comic book), joined by USD School of Law Professor Monica Sullivan to discuss the basics of intellectual property rights that every creator (and business owner) should know. They’ll address issues such as the ownership and protection of ideas, what exactly copyrights and trademarks are, how to acquire copyrights and trademark rights, and the application of those rights to works of authorship, characters, and names. (Please Note: The Comic Book Law School® seminars are designed to provide relevant information and practice tips to practicing attorneys, as well as practical tips to creators and other professionals who may wish to attend. However, the seminar is presented for information and entertainment purposes only, and the information presented and opinions expressed at the seminars do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.) [This program is approved for one (1) credit of California MCLE.]
Friday March 28, 2025 6:30pm - 7:30pm PDT
Room 210

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