Friday March 28, 2025 9:00pm - 10:00pm PDT
The new series The Penguin takes viewers deep into the origin of one of Batman’s best-known villains. From being overlooked and disregarded to being the kingpin of Gotham’s underground, the origin story of the Penguin, as told by this series, is psychologically rich, with topics of trauma, relationships, overcoming insecurities, and forming one's identity present in almost every episode. Lorran Garrison, M.A. Ed. (Little Brainstorm), Dr. Sara Roldan (Our Oasis Community Podcast), Travis Adams, L.S.W. (Spider-Man Psychology), and Dr. Travis Langley (Batman and Psychology) dive deep and explore the Penguin’s story to understand why he's a fan favorite. Moderated by Dr. Benjamin Taitz (Psychology for Geeks).
Friday March 28, 2025 9:00pm - 10:00pm PDT
Room 300A

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