Step into the "weird west," a genre that blends the raw history of the Old West with supernatural oddities and fantastical forces. A panel of experts from literature and gaming delve into what makes characters like Wynonna Earp, Jonah Hex, Roland the Gunslinger, and countless others so captivating to fans. Jennifer Brody (A Sacrifice of Blood & Stars,Disney Chills), Deborah Smith Daughetee (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman,Kolchak the Night Stalker: Touch of Silk), Ross Fisher-Davis (Doomtown: Reloaded and Vampire: the Masquerade) and Eric J. Guignard (A Graveside Gallery,That Which Grows Wild), along with moderator K. C. Grifant (The Monster Gunslinger series and Women of the Weird West) share how to successfully create weird west worlds to explore the myths of American history, as well as their top recommendations for must-read books, films, and games.
Saturday March 29, 2025 5:30pm - 6:30pm PDT
Room 213AB