Saturday March 29, 2025 6:30pm - 7:30pm PDT
The Young Indy Chroniclers podcast takes you back to where the Star Wars prequels all began . . . with Indiana Jones. Before George Lucas returned to the Galaxy Far, Far Away, he turned back the clock on the Indiana Jones franchise to tell the tales of the fedora-wearing hero's early years. What transpired was truly a labor of love for Lucas and Lucasfilm and served as a proving ground for many of the techniques and themes that would be utilized in the Star Wars prequels. The Young Indy Chroniclers podcast, hosted by filmmakers Peter Holmstrom and Daniel Noa, traces the origins of the Star Wars prequels from the development and implementation of cutting-edge technology to how the themes and characters explored in Young Indiana Jones would find their way to the Galaxy Far, Far Away.
Saturday March 29, 2025 6:30pm - 7:30pm PDT
Room 300C

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