Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 8:00pm PDT
The general audience and film fanatics alike have seen a large shift in how studios create movies now. With the combination of big budgets, star power, and hundreds of millions spent on “safe” content, studios are looking more at the bottom line and returns moreso than audience impact. What happened to the mid-budget films of yesteryear, and how did the constraints of those budgets breed even more creativity in a creative-driven media? Derick McDuff (the host of the Underrated Movie Podcast) alongside Alix Catherine (host, The Welcome Party), Andrew Linde (host, Nothing New: A Remake Podcast), Tricia Aurand (award-winning screenwriter; podcast host), Law Sharma (actor, entertainment journalist), and JPG (pop culture educator, consultant; InterMyth) address topics like the best mid-budgets films, speculate about which years the industry pivoted, and discuss the importance of low-budget and mid-budget filmmaking.
Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 8:00pm PDT
Room 300A

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