Sunday March 30, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am PDT
With increasing rates of autism, there is an increasing demand for autistic characters in pop culture from both executives and audiences. But for the creatives in the middle, especially the neurotypical ones, it can feel like a daunting challenge. Whether it’s a YA fantasy graphic novel, a family sitcom, a high-octane hospital drama, a postapocalyptic zombie comic, or whatever—authentic autistic characters belong there, too. Moderator Britton Payne (vice president of business and legal affairs at Nickelodeon/Paramount) leads a discussion with autistic actor Kayla Cromer (The Good Doctor, Monster High), writer/producer Niya Wright (Ada Twist, Scientist) and non-speaking author/advocate Alfonso Camacho (Preparing for School: Alfie’s AAC Journey). This panel of both autistic and neurotypical television and comic book creators will speak wioth Britton about how they successfully added autistic characters to serial fiction, and how you can too!
Sunday March 30, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am PDT
Room 213AB

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