Sunday March 30, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
Watchers creators Justin Waldner and Alexander Gray (Heart of Batman)—alongside some luminaries from the animation and comics realms—guide you through the fun, fast-paced gameplay in this rich, alien-infused CCG that spotlights hope in the face of domineering evil humans aligning with aliens, and the Watchers themselves, a council of elders with unbridled power who observe until it’s time to act. But which side will they join? Hear all about the game and plans for an upcoming comic book series and animated film. Publicist Gary Miereanu moderates the festivities, which will include a special giveaway: some lucky fans in attendance will receive a free copy of the single-player game, ready for battle, complete with a starter deck, dice (D6, D12, D20), battle pad, and instructional manual.
Sunday March 30, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am PDT
North 100B

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