Sunday March 30, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Kid Heroes Productions, the creators behind the award-winning Lumpia film and comic books series, discuss their newest comic book drop, The Ones and Twos, with legendary DJ Icy Ice (World Famous Beat Junkies), spotlighting the mobile, party, and club deejay scene of the '90s prevalent with Filipino American culture mixed with their latest addition to the D.F.U.: Mix-Mix, a multiracial task force of multi-dessert-inspired anti-heroes! Featuring Patricio Ginelsa (writer/director), Brian "beee" Bello (artist), Lauren Lola (co-writer), Cesar Cueva (artist), and moderator Winston Emano (mano Y mano Media). Includes free print giveaway and special surprises!
Sunday March 30, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
North 100B

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