Together, creators, publishers, comic shop owners, teachers, and library workers have brought greater acceptance to comics and fan culture. Take a break from hectic convention life to experience “speed dating” style networking with diverse comics enthusiasts from all backgrounds. This year’s lineup includes comics industry insiders Bryant Dillon (president, Fanbase Press), Jeromy Dechant (Modern Fanatic), Bre Sarpy (Ignition Press), Alex Antone (Skybound), Morgan Perry (Square Enix), and Mathias Lewis (Knowhere Games & Comics); creators Charlie Stickney (White Ash), David Avallone (Drawing Blood), Jeffrey Snow (Snowstorm Comics), Arthur Ebuen (Studio 12-7), David Booher (Canto), Mog Park (comic artist), Omar Morales (Major Thomás), Dylan Davison (Pretend Man) and Tom Breyfogle (How I Became a Shoplifter); and comics librarians and educators Matthew Atherton, Joel Bakker, Joe Barrette, Moni Barrette, Elias Campos, Janie Ghinazzi, Jenni Powell, Sophia Juarez, Jack Phoenix, and Dan Wood.