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12:00pm PDT
Alternative Career Options in Video Games Room 300A
Comics in the Classroom: Transforming Texts, Voices, and Creativity Room 213CD
Faithful: A Scottish Fairytale Short Film North 100B
It All Starts with a Word Room 211
Jack Kirby Tribute Room 207
The Un-Masquerade: Red Carpet Edition Room 300E
Women in Comics Room 209
Battle of Souls—Demonstrations and learn to play Exhibit Hall C
Beast Builders: Claws & Jaws—Learn to play demonstrations every hour Exhibit Hall C
Cat's Gambit—Quick and easy learn to play demonstrations Exhibit Hall C
Change My Mind—Walk up and play! Exhibit Hall C
Crabs in a Bucket—Fast and fun learn to play demonstrations Exhibit Hall C
Cthulhu Dice, Gelatinous, Hack & Slash—Learn to play demo or players choice Exhibit Hall C
Dice Throne—Learn to play demonstrations Exhibit Hall C
DJ Icon—Learn to play and spin your way to victory in DJ Icon! Exhibit Hall C
DuelGeon—Roll, Battle, Steal and Loot! Dungeon crawling mayhem in your pocket! Exhibit Hall C
Dungeon Decorators, Red Dragon Inn—Learn to play demo or players choice Exhibit Hall C
Good Cop Bad Cop—Teach and play Exhibit Hall C
Paint & Take Miniatures—paint your own miniature figure Exhibit Hall C
Star Wars X-Wing: Find the Rebel Spy—Learn to play all afternoon. Quick & easy miniatures demos in less than 30 minutes Exhibit Hall C
Super Show—Learn to play demonstrations every 30 minutes Exhibit Hall C
TacTile—Learn to play demonstrations every hour Exhibit Hall C
Web Spinners—Learn to play all day. Quick & easy 15-minute demos for Ages 8+ Exhibit Hall C
Narrative and Entertainment Art Portfolio Review Room 206B
Spotlight on Adam Nimoy Autograph Area
The Wandering Path: D&D Live! North 151
Acquire, Bargain Quest, Duel of Wands—Learn to play demo & players choice Exhibit Hall C
Boss Monster, Boss Monster 2, Dungeon Kart—Demos & learn to play Exhibit Hall C
Cat Lady, War Chest—Learn to play demo & players choice Exhibit Hall C
Clank! In Space, Eternal; Chronicles of the Throne—Learn to play demo & players choice Exhibit Hall C
River Valley Glass Works, Star Realms—Demonstrations & players choice Exhibit Hall C
12:20pm PDT
12:30pm PDT
12:45pm PDT
1:00pm PDT
1:10pm PDT
1:15pm PDT
1:30pm PDT
1:35pm PDT
2:00pm PDT
Kekkaishi Room 205B
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun Room 205A
Japanese Queer Media Room 211
Launching Your First Kickstarter Room 213CD
Let's Get Criminal Room 209
Nerdy Arts and Crafts for All Ages 20 to 80 and Beyond Room 207
Princess and Superhero Storytime with Kids Can Cosplay Room 300E
The Beauty in the Beast: Unlocking Design Secrets with Neville Page Room 300A
Battle of Souls—Demonstrations and learn to play Exhibit Hall C
Beast Builders: Claws & Jaws—Learn to play demonstrations every hour Exhibit Hall C
Cat's Gambit—Quick and easy learn to play demonstrations Exhibit Hall C
Change My Mind—Walk up and play! Exhibit Hall C
Crabs in a Bucket—Fast and fun learn to play demonstrations Exhibit Hall C
DuelGeon—Roll, Battle, Steal and Loot! Dungeon crawling mayhem in your pocket! Exhibit Hall C
Good Cop Bad Cop—Teach and play Exhibit Hall C
Paint & Take Miniatures—paint your own miniature figure Exhibit Hall C
Red Dragon Inn, Red Dragon Inn: Battle for Greyport—Learn to play demo or players choice Exhibit Hall C
Super Show—Learn to play demonstrations every 30 minutes Exhibit Hall C
TacTile—Learn to play demonstrations every hour Exhibit Hall C
Upstaged—Demonstrations and learn to play Exhibit Hall C
Web Spinners—Learn to play all day. Quick & easy 15-minute demos for Ages 8+ Exhibit Hall C
Zombie Dice, Z-Shot—Learn to play demo or players choice Exhibit Hall C
Diverse Storytellers Empowering Equity and Inclusion Autograph Area
Spotlight on Matt Forbeck Autograph Area
The Writer's Coffeehouse: WonderCon Edition Autograph Area
The Gauntlet: A Dungeons & Dragons Adventure North 151
Arboretum, Heroscape, Love Letter Princess Princess edition—Learn to play demo & players choice Exhibit Hall C
Clank! Catacombs, Dune Imperium—Learn to play demo or players choice Exhibit Hall C
Mistborn, Overboss, Overboss Duel—Demos & learn to play Exhibit Hall C
Point Salad, Tiny Towns—Learn to play demo & players choice Exhibit Hall C
Code Names: Harry Potter, Dark Heists, Machi Koro—Demonstration & players choice Exhibit Hall C
Freelancer: Skies Over Tolindia Tournament—Learn to play RPG demos for 6 players, Ages 12+ Exhibit Hall C
2:25pm PDT
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2:50pm PDT
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3:15pm PDT
3:30pm PDT
3:40pm PDT
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4:30pm PDT